Monday, October 24, 2011

How to look in Google Cache

If you find that the page that you are accessing on this website is not what you were expecting you may be able see the page that it replaces by looking in the cache of the search engine that you used.

Below is an example of a Google search that that found my website:

To see what is in the Google cache for the page that appears in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) click on the "cached" link.

Other search engines such as Microsoft's Bing and Yahoo have similar page cache display methods.

  • How a cache visit is recorded by Google Analytics
  • More about why I am interested in Google Cache visits
  • What is an Organic Result?
  • Why and how I have removed content from search engine cache
  • Looking at a cached page when you are using Bing
I am more interested in the mechanics behind how Search Engine Cache is maintained and how people access it rather than what can be found in Google Cache. The examples that I give are from searches that I have seen finding my website and blog. The search terms and the associated pages visited are a way of me trying to determine what and why visitors are looking for.

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